I started learning Keyboard when I was 6 years old. I transitioned to Piano shortly thereafter. I understand that my teache,r who would be teaching both, had advised my parents to move me to Piano. Some of my friends in that centre continued with Keyboard and I would see them play popular musical hits and I would feel envious as I would be struggling to understand the Piano keys. When I look back and I question whether I would have preferred to stay with Keyboard, given another choice, my answer repeatedly has been a “No”. I have realised that the dynamics that the Piano keys can generate are far nuanced and deeper than Keyboard. My journey in Piano has never been smooth, I had my share of struggles as I graduated from one layer of complexity to another with every passing grade.. Over a period of time, at every grade when the initial struggle would be over and I would begin to explore the emotions and their nuances, I would love the experience and that probably would reward me at the end with the distinctions with which I would be passing most of the seven grades of Trinity/ ABRSM or even in Kawai Theme pan India competition where I stood third.. I will soon be completing my last grade ( Grade 8) for my diploma and intend to continue my journey of discovering this wonderful harmonical instrument with its musical complexities and layers of expressions.